


All safety programs have elements that requires inspections.  These inspections could be site inspections, PPE inspections, equipment inspections, office inspection or whatever else needs inspecting.  Within this blog I’ll show you how to setup a list to use for any of these inspection processes.  As an added bonus,  I’ll show you how to connect it to a mobile device so persons in the field can complete their inspections with their phones and have the results immediately show up at head office.  Many inspection results also need a higher level approval. I’ll show you how to enable an approval process on an inspection and route it to the appropriate people.

We can also link the inspection form to our asset tracking list for any unscheduled maintenance activities through a work flow.

For richer more robust experience, we can use Power Apps and Microsoft Forms.

By | 2020-05-04T22:41:53+00:00 November 4th, 2019|Blogs|1 Comment

About the Author:

Consultant, Auditor, Instructor. SharePoint evangelist. Hi, I have been using Sharepoint with my clients since 2007. As a consultant and auditor for the past 20 years I have seen a lot of companies completely miss the boat when it comes to what they can do with their Sharepoint. I bristle every time I read an article about it calling it a document management system; it can do so much more! I have implemented Sharepoint checklists accessible from a persons cell phone, setup systems to manage and remind stakeholders of training and certification, built inspection processes, risk registers, ECM systems, corrective action tracking, setup integrations with a company's ERP data, and on and on; All using Sharepoint OUT OF THE BOX, no add ins, no custom code. Let me show you what you are missing.

One Comment

  1. Stacey 2020-09-03 at 5:34 am - Reply

    Interesting ideas!

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